About Me:

Hello! My name is “Loz” but also known in the bike community as the “Pinky Princess” due to my obsession with the colour pink! I'm usually easy to find in a crowd as I often have brightly coloured hair from pink to purple and anything in between! Sussex born and bred, I've been riding for over 10 years.
My current ride is my Honda Nc750s called “Lucifer”. Like me, my bike is different and often gets overlooked at bike meets. Only the best have their “quirks”, one being the DCT (dual clutch transmission) gearbox and the storage space called a “Frunk”. You have to see him in the flesh to admire!
I have been with my partner Russell (also a biker and my rock) for over 15 years, and we enjoy our biking adventures together. The Isle of Wight and Cornwall are our favourite destinations. We also attend many British Superbike rounds all over the country as we are Tommy Bridewell's top fans!
I have keen interests in photography, animals, and of course, bikes—all being my passions for many years.
At 33, I've known for some time that I felt “different”, growing up with a brother who is non-verbal and was diagnosed as Autistic at age 5 he was also diagnosed with epilepsy a few years ago. I believe and certainly feel I was “overlooked” as a child, being the sibling that wasn't as different as my brother. I'm sure my parents just didn't think I had my struggles too as they needed to foucs on his needs. Until recently girls were not the focus of a ADHD or Autism diagnosis, so the struggles I had at school and home were very real to me and I found it hard.
My brother is 35 and lives at home with my dad, he gets support from his GP and local charities, we get on well and he can open up to me about anything. He's a keen gamer loves his computer, he is an absolute genius when it comes to numbers too!
He studied at college to be an accountant but sadly due to bullying in volunteer roles he found it hard to maintain regular job so is currently unemployed.
Recently when I was referred to the wonderful team at MIND for my mental health after struggling with long-term depression and anxiety. I was then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and PTSD. Throughout my treatment with MIND, it was brought to my attention that I was showing all the signs of ADHD on top of my other health conditions. This revelation was like someone had finally found a relatable part of myself that I could ask questions about.
I have only just started this new adventure around my diagnosis and at times, I feel very overwhelmed, however, i'm keen to learn what I can and also be as supportive as possible to others who are part of what I like to call “The NeuroSpice Gang”.
I find bringing awareness around Autism, ADHD & Neurodivergent types is very important to me and hopefully to others.
I like to be social in my own way, as well as have my space when I need it for my passions.
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After experiencing many ups and downs with my mental and physical health, I decided it was best to step down from running my own bike group, "The British Bikers" which I founded six years ago along the Sussex coast.
I am very proud of the group's achievements during this time, particularly their outstanding love, care, and generosity towards four charities close to many members' hearts: Cancer Research | SSAFA | the Mental Health Foundation | and Samaritans.
The British Bikers also successfully organised a toy run during Easter 2022 for Chestnut Tree House, attended numerous charity rides, and assisted with local funeral escorts. I continue to support the four foundational charities with my contributions and also support other charities dear to me, including MIND, RSPB, RSPCA, Dogs Trust, and now The National Autistic Society.
Being part of a bike group and bringing like-minded people together has shown me the magical things the bike community can achieve. Since supporting Supergood I realised it is where I want to be, and it is now a significant part of my life. I am proud to be part of this amazing group and to continue contributing alongside many others.
Thanks for reading this, a small glimpse into my life, It is a privilege to be part of this growing community.
Things would be boring without all of you amazing people in it.
LOZ | “Pinky Princess”